
# 6 Controlling Your Mind: How to Overcome Fear
by Tom Gnagey

Some fears are reasonable and helpful. Other fears are unreasonable and harmful. First, one must understand the difference and, second, one must learn how to banish those that are irrational. Here are seven guidelines.

How To Overcome Fear, Guideline One: It is reasonable and helpful to have a healthy fear of things like fire, tornadoes, falling out a window, sharp objects, thieves with weapons, and so on. When fears merely guide us to be careful they serve a positive, protective function. Any fear that becomes debilitating, however, needs fixing. If one panics in the presence of a knife, open window, or flame on a kitchen stove, even those basically normal fears have become too extreme. How can you overcome these hurtful and limiting fears?

 How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Two: Understand the source of irrational fears. They reside in the subconscious or Deep Mind. We aren't aware of its activities. It acts not by logic but by correlation – if A occurs before B then A probably caused B. Occasionally that is true. Often it isn't. The Deep Mind can't tell the difference; in fact, it is fully unconcerned about how logical a connection may be.

How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Three:When some hurtful or unpleasant occurrence takes place after a particular event or in the presence of a some person, object, or place, the Deep Mind is likely to form a correlation. When that setting event occurs again the subconscious must send your conscious mind a message (called a directive) to become fearful. Perhaps a child gets startled or pummeled by a dog and understandably becomes upset. The Deep Mind may establish a correlation between dogs in general and the need to be afraid. When that happens (and sometimes for the rest of ones life) that child will feel great fear in the presence of dogs.

How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Four:The subconscious mind is so powerful that when it sends a directive, we have to act according to it. For instance, when the Deep Mind has created and holds a fear directive we will continue to experience fear in whatever context the correlation reflects. To get rid of a fear one needs to get rid of that specific fear directive. That may take specialized training from a professional but there are some things you can try first.

How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Five: There is a process called Gradual Accommodation that often helps. You set up situations in which you begin experiencing the problem (fear producing) stimulus from a distance such that the event (or person, etc.) does not produce fear. For example, perhaps you watch dogs in a park while you are safely secured inside your car. The process involves gradually confronting the object of fear in tiny steps. You might take a second step as simple as watching those dogs with the car window opened, then the door opened, then standing along side the car, then sitting on a nearby bench and so on. Don't move on to a next step until you feel no fear. Your eventual goal will, perhaps, be to be able to actually pet a dog. Gradually you accommodate to the fear producing object. Be patient.

 How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Six: Another approach could be called the Face Down. You just swallow hard and expose yourself to the feared object or person or situation. Find a dog known to be gentle, for example. Approach it, watch it, touch it, pet it, sit and hold it. The fear will initially well up inside you. In this process the idea is to feel the fear leave as you come to understand the situation no longer requires you to be fearful. (Not suggested for children.)

How To Overcome Fear, Guideline Seven: There are counseling methods that teach one how to overcome fear in short order and which have long lasting effects. The typical talk therapies have a very poor track record when it comes to helping people quickly and permanently learn how to overcome fear. The so called conditioning or desensitization therapies work best.

Try the two procedures suggested here first. If they are not successful for you contact a counselor. Be sure to inform him or her that your major need is to find out how to overcome fear and that you understand there are programs that can manage that in one or two sessions.

# 5  How to Be Happier
by Tom Gnagey

All people set goals, which they assume will bring them happiness. People who do not achieve happiness simply set the wrong 'How to be Happier' goals. What is the essential difference?

How to be Happier: Factor One
People who seek happiness in the accumulation of stuff are doomed to remain unhappy at a basic, deep down, forever, level. Having stuff (cars, houses, boats, jewelry, fine clothes, etc.) can be fun and enjoyable but never confuse those things with deep down forever happiness.

How to be Happier: Factor Two
People who seek happiness by establishing great power for themselves are also doomed to an unhappy existence. Having power may contribute to ones sense of safety and security. It may even require others to act as if they are your friends and as if they respect you. The friendships and respect one acquires through power are typically shams as demonstrated by the fact they evaporate once the power is lost.

How to be Happier: Factor Three
A close corollary to Factor One above is to seek happiness by accumulating wealth. Again, it my be used to contribute to ones momentary fun and pleasure but those never equate to basic, deep down, happiness. The happiest wealthy people I have ever known are those who take great pleasure in giving most of it away to worthy people and causes. 

How to be Happier: Factor Four
Seeking happiness through fame is a lot like seeking happiness through power. If you find that you need to be famous to feel good about yourself, you still have major happiness problems because you are relying on others to make you happy – to adore or idolize you – rather than finding happiness within yourself.

How to be Happier: Factor Five
So, if the answer to how to be happier cannot truly be found in stuff, power, wealth, or fame, what's left? Consider the indisputable, essential, basic, behavior necessary for the survival of the human species. It defines happiness at the most fundamental biological and social levels – the truly human levels. Until the world is populated with people who each regularly contribute to an environment that is safe, pleasant, friendly, productive, fair, accepting, and reasonably predictable, life can never be free of fear, sadness, and low self-esteem - the big three contributors to a lack of deep down forever happiness.

To achieve the ultimate in personal happiness there is only one proven and defensible route: Every day, know that you are doing what you can to improve the lot of folks in your little corner of mankind. Living among thieves, killers, greedy, dishonest, and maladjusted people cannot allow one to experience true, forever, happiness. In such situations life will always be clouded by fear, uncertainty and anxiety. Fix those social human problems and you will find deep down forever happiness.

If, when you go to bed at night, you can honestly believe you did things that day that contributed to making the world a better place for humanity, you can experience that remarkable, genuine, powerful, deep down feeling of genuine happiness.

If, instead, you tend to lay there and tally up the number of people you defeated or put down in some way, or managed to move aside to improve your position or how you used your resources in greedy, self-serving ways instead of for the betterment of mankind, any pseudo-positive feelings you may have will not only be fleeting for you but signal that you have all quite selfishly contributed to the ultimate destruction of mankind. How could such activities possibly bring happiness?

The bottom line answers to, “How to be happier,” are to give rather than take; help rather than hurt; sow rather than reap; build rather than destroy; and cooperate rather than compete. If your mind is set so it can't do good, there are self help programs that can help you move toward true happiness. 

#4  Personal Growth: Early Factors in the Development of Self-esteem
by Tom Gnagey

The human mind is like a sponge, and from the baby's first days the nature of the events it experiences contributes to its feelings of security and self-esteem. Many of the earliest impressions of the world become major factors in both personal growth potential and eventual self-esteem. Here are some of the most potent of these early experiences.

A very wise, very old, Native American man once put it to me this way: “During his first three years the child listens to what others say about him and watch how they treat him. Those things define in his mind who and what he is. He then spends the rest of his life trying to live up to that picture – to prove it is true and accurate.”

Basically, this old gentleman hit it right on the head. Fortunately, there are now methods that can help replace any harmful early impressions one acquires about himself with productive, positive, beliefs and behaviors. When a youngster is not fortunate enough to have his personal growth fostered in an environment that helps him build an indomitable sense of self-esteem, large doses of assistance and intervention may be necessary.

What are some of those positive, self-esteem building factors? Many take place well before the child is able to use or understand language. If his early environment keeps him warm in the cold and cool in the heat, keeps him from being hungry or thirsty, keeps him dry and clean, handles him with gentleness of word and body, and lavishes him with comfortable human contact, he learns to sense at a very basic, physiological, level that his world is one that takes good care of him. And what kind of being would the world take good car of? A precious being, of course. Such a fortunate beginning to personal growth builds a solid basis for unshakable self-esteem later on. The opposite conditions, contribute to a baseline of fear and uncertainty, which suggests that life is just not going to be such a good experience and limits the potential for developing adequate self-esteem from the earliest months and years of life.  

Even before the specific message of language can be understood, the child's self-esteem is impacted by the tone and volume of the language directed at him. Positive personal growth requires a generally fear-free and hurt-free environment. Harsh noises and angry tones do not contribute to a child's sense that his world is a fear-free, comfortable zone. Perpetually frightened baby's and children do not develop the basic foundation for life affirming self-esteem.

It is easy to understand how, once language becomes meaningful, that a child's self concept and basic fear or safety beliefs are effected. Children who hear they are good, capable, precious beings have the best chance for developing life-long positive, self-esteem. Those who hear the negative opposite, define themselves according to those descriptions and tend to suffer from both low self-esteem and the firm disbelief that they can ever be one the the good, acceptable, likeable, helpful people in the world.

Positive personal growth that leads to self-esteem later in life begins from day one and must be carefully and thoughtfully coached throughout childhood.

#3  Mind Training Begins With Understanding Your Subconscious Mind
By Tom Gnagey

Since the subconscious mind is always in control of our behavior (in the long run) it seems crucial that we understand how it operates. Successful mind training requires that knowledge. Creating a happy, successful, fear free life also requires it. Here are some basic concepts that should be helpful.

Most basically, the mind is the process that take place within the brain. Through our conscious mind we are aware of many of those functions – the five basic senses, the ability to think and talk and move our body parts. We read and learn and feel emotions and so on. The subconscious mind, however, hides most of its activities from us, hence its name, which means below awareness.

Unlike the conscious mind, the subconscious mind never sleeps. It is always doing things. When we learn how to contact it and use it (through mind training), we can set it to working on things for us even while we are asleep. 

The subconscious mind is a fully positive function. It does not even recognize negatives such as no, don't, or can't. So, one of the first steps in mind training is to begin thinking in positive terms. Tell yourself what you can do rather than what you can’t do and what you should do rather than what you shouldn't. Say, “I want to _____,” rather than, “I don't want to ______,” or I must start doing,” rather than “I must stop doing ______.” Also, understand that when the subconscious mind hears a negative, it typically assumes it was meant to be positive. When it hears, “Don't do that,” it interprets the message as, “Do that.” It hears, “Just say no,” and it interprets the message as . . .

A main function of the subconscious mind is to direct our behavior. It pays close attention to what we do and what we say and think about ourselves and puts all that into the form of directives. Once it believes it knows how we want to behave (act, think, react) it sends us powerful messages that require us to behave according to those directives. Since the subconscious mind is often not a particularly good observer it sometimes makes mistakes about what we want. For example, it if sees us being fearful when around strangers it assumes that we want to be fearful at those times so it assembles a fear directive that requires us to be fearful in those situations.

Many of our directives were planted in our subconscious mind by other people, especially when we were very young before we could evaluate or defend ourselves mentally. It hears parents (for example) saying we are precious and it believes it and forms an “I'm precious” directive. I hears parents say we are worthless and it forms an “I'm worthless” directive. By the time a child begins really thinking about himself objectively at four or so, lots of directives have already been set for him. When they are positive and helpful they direct a good and successful life. When they are negative and hurtful they direct an unhappy, unsuccessful life.

Mind training can help alleviate the bad stuff and replace it with good stuff. Most people can benefit from working through a mind training program that helps determine the types of directives one has stored and teaches techniques to replace the harmful directives with helpful ones.

# 2  Self Improvement Using the Power of Mind
by Tom Gnagey

The power of mind is what tends to make successful people, successful. The power of mind is also what tends to make less successful people, less successful. Self improvement , therefore, is based in an understanding of how to use and direct ones mental powers, especially those residing in the deepest, most unfamiliar area of the mind – the subconscious. Here is an introduction to that process.

The brain is the physical organ that sits inside the head. The mind is the processes that goes on within the brain. The brain is physical – a thing – and the mind is process so it has no form. The mind has three levels of functioning. The Surface Mind has contact with the environment through our senses. It gathers data. We are aware of what it is doing. The Deep Mind (or subconscious) is the part that directs our behavior, ideas, and beliefs by establishing what are called directives. We are seldom fully aware of what it is doing. The Great Filter sits between the other two functions allowing certain kinds of information to be sent into the Deep Mind from the environment. Typically it filters out things that aren't compatible with what already resides in the Deep Mind. (Further study of the Deep Mind will help one understand those functions, but that is sufficient for now.)

Self improvement requires one to set several positive goals (directives) and behave in those ways consistently and often enough to convince the Deep Mind to accept them. They then join the vast reservoir of Deep Mind Directives that control your behavior. Just wanting to achieve self improvement or just planning what you need to do in order to achieve self improvement (though essential) will never lead a person to improve. Only transforming those ideas and directives into action that one practices will change ones life and actually move a person toward his or her self improvement goals.

For example, if your road to self improvement requires becoming confident when speaking with other people (and the reason you are not confident is because the power of mind is telling you that you should not have such confidence) you must find a safe person or small group of people with whom you can talk without fear. Practice in that setting until you feel at ease. As your Deep Mind comes to understand that you want that kind of confidence (by watching you practice and seeing your new behavior) it will begin accepting a directive about self confidence when speaking with others.

Build your replacement directive in a series of tiny steps and you will be amazed at how you can come to control your reactions and feelings by evoking and focusing the power of mind in this way. Overwhelm the inappropriate directives in your Deep Mind with powerful, stress free, practice of your desired, helpful, directives, and you will find the power of mind leading you toward an ever increasing realization of your self improvement goals.

The mastery of the functions of your Deep Mind is the most essential power of mind you can develop. It is basic to achieving your self improvement goals. Your Deep Mind always tries to direct your behavior in the manner it believes you want. It obtains those ideas from observing how you behave. When you have been behaving like a needy, helpless, person, that is what the Deep Mind has experienced so that is how it believes you want to live. Those are the kinds of directives it sends you. Self improvement progresses from, first, deciding which alternate path you want to follow; second, planning some first, easy steps in that direction; and third, practicing that new behavior until you have made a believer out of your Deep Mind. You can harness the very power of mind that has been directing you toward an unsatisfying life and refocus it to help you create the areas of self improvement for which you long. 

#1   How to Change Your Life Using the Powers of Your Subconscious Mind
       By Tom Gnagey

There is no more profoundly powerful part of the human being than its subconscious mind. Personal happiness, self-esteem, and success in life can only come to those who learn to harness the remarkable powers of their subconscious minds.

Most folks never learn how to access and control (modify) their subconscious minds, therefore most folks have no idea what goes on in their subconscious mind. Subconscious, by definition, means below awareness. Since the subconscious mind houses the directives that control the ways we act, react, think, and believe, it seems crucial that we at least understand what is going on 'down there'.

When you ask how to change your life for the better you are really asking how to modify your mind's harmful directives and replace them with helpful, life affirming directives. When you find yourself acting or thinking in a way that is counterproductive, write it down in this form. My subconscious mind (often called the Deep Mind) is directing me to _____. Complete the statement by adding the unwanted behavior (hurt people, steal, put others down, take advantage of others, be greedy, hate others, hate myself, or whatever it is).

Then, write a 'how to change your life positive directive' to replace it. I want my subconscious mind to direct me to ______ (help people, love, encourage, or whatever.). Read each new positive directive several times a day and think about ways you can make it happen in your life. List some specific behaviors you will do that day that will demonstrate and reinforce the new, positive replacement directive. Since the subconscious mind learns best from seeing how you behave, you must act on it over and over again. The Deep Mind does not respond well to words or being told things. The more it sees you acting according to the new directive the more often it will direct you to act that way.

Always approach your subconscious mind in the positive, never in the negative – 'do' and never 'don't'. (This is the important topic for another article.)

So, when learning how to change your life, you are going to begin by replacing those negative, hurtful, self-defeating, directives that are hurting you, with positive directives that will help you. Your only purpose in writing out the hurtful directives is to help you discover what opposite, helpful, directives you need to write, live, and demonstrate for your subconscious mind. Never reinforce those negative directives by revisiting them. When you feel your subconscious mind urging you to act according to one of them turn on the positive, replacement, directive. (With special training one can learn how to eliminate those unwanted directives entirely. In the mean time just work to override them.)

When asking how to change your life you are really asking how you can change the hurtful directives that have gotten buried in your deep, subconscious, mind. Our behavior is always determined (in the end) by those directives, so it is important to consciously provide helpful alternatives. Just how to eliminate the harmful directives entirely is a more complex process. At the outset of this process of working on how to change your life, strive to, first, discover those harmful directives and, second, write out and practice the opposite, positive, replacement, directives. ​


When you understand how to use it, control it, and make it work for you, life can be remarkable.
Misunderstand how to use it and life can be, at the least ineffective, and at the most a terrifying, downward, struggle.

> If life isn’t going as well as you’d like . . .

> If you feel confused about your direction or purpose . . .

> If you want to be happier and less fearful . . .

> If you want to really be in control of the deepest parts of your mind
  rather than let them force you to do their questionable bidding . . .


DEEP MIND MASTERY is a time-tested, common sense approach to life-long, personal happiness and well-being.

Thousands have learned and mastered these specific, practical, life enhancing techniques.

All these life changing secrets and methods are now available in this personal study program, 
which you complete in the privacy of your own home.

Unlike most other self-improvement programs, DEEP MIND MASTERY leads you to achieve the goals you want to achieve - not those the authors believe you should want to achieve.

DEEP MIND MASTERY will show you . . .

Discontent, and 

Accurate Self-Knowledge,
Realistic Self-Assurance, and
Indomitable Self Esteem,
all through the discovery, organization, and utilization of your own, innate, untapped, human capacities.


  DEEP MIND MASTERY helps you discover . . .
 [1] How your mind operates, 
[2] The kinds of information it requires at each of several levels, and 
[3] How to control the directives by which it guides the way you think, 
act, and make the important choices 
that effect your life and the lives of those 
you touch. 

Simply put . . .

Deep Mind Mastery explains how the mind operates and presents a positive philosophy for living, which is fully compatible with the deepest and most powerful mental functions. It teaches a set of techniques by which one can modify and control the Deep Mind Guidance System that always determines one's behavior, emotional reactions, and level of satisfaction with life. [Did you know you have a Deep Mind Guidance System and that you can learn how to control it?] By putting you in full control of yourself, Deep Mind Mastery will show you how to clear away fears, guilt, and anger, and fill yourself with lifelong happiness, positive purpose, and indomitable self-esteem. Tension and uncertainty give way to relaxation and a realistic sense of one's positive place and role in the family, school or work place, community, and beyond.  What a wonderful gift for yourself and
your family members.

[Will tension reduction and improved self-confidence be good additions to your life?]

What will you learn in the Deep Mind Mastery Personal Study Program?

You will learn how the several, basic, processes of the mind work and inter-relate with each other. [Did you know your mind has processes?] Once these processes are understood, you will be in a position to become the exact, wonderful, competent, positive, successful person you want to become. Unfortunately, the vast majority of folks never achieve this, simply because they do not understand how their minds work.

You will learn how the Deep Mind, ultimately, always controls your behavior and how 'will power' (a surface mind activity) always loses to Deep Mind Directives.

You will learn how to locate and replace harmful or unwanted deep mind directives that make you unhappy, ineffective, or unpleasant. [The dedicated, apt, student should be able to turn his or her life around in a matter of weeks.]

You will learn how to talk successfully with the deepest part of your mind - the part that always guides your behavior and intentions. Simply understanding this one process represents half the battle in changing yourself and solving your most important personal problems. [Did you know the Deep Mind does not understand the ideas implied by the terms, "no, don't, and never?]

You will learn how to complete a powerful, five minute, daily mental tune-up to keep yourself on track - to help you easily and regularly behave according to your positive belief system and move you steadily toward your goals.

You will learn how to 'install' new, positive, helpful directives into your own Deep Mind's guidance system. You don't have to live with the directives buried into your Deep Mind by your parents, unhelpful experiences, or frightening encounters. Decide for yourself how you want to be, and then quickly get started down the road to becoming that person.

You will learn a positive, social/personal philosophy for living called Reciprocal Esteem ("we only do to and for ourselves and others those things we have sound reason to believe will benefit all concerned."). You may choose to live by some other philosophy, of course, but for the techniques of Deep Mind Mastery to work best, you will need to embrace some positively based philosophy (based on love, helping, and inclusiveness rather than on hate, hurting, and exclusion).You will learn the social interaction technique called Mutually Responsible Facilitation. It simply states: "If the human species is to survive, prosper, and become all that it can become, every human being must regularly act in positive, helpful ways to those whose lives he or she touches."
You will learn a positive, social/personal philosophy for living called Reciprocal Esteem ("we only do to and for ourselves and others those things we have sound reason to believe will benefit all concerned."). You may choose to live by some other philosophy, of course, but for the techniques of Deep Mind Mastery to work best, you will need to embrace some positively based philosophy (based on love, helping, and inclusiveness rather than on hate, hurting, and exclusion).

You will learn the social interaction technique called Mutually Responsible Facilitation. It simply states: "If the human species is to survive, prosper, and become all that it can become, every human being must regularly act in positive, helpful ways to those whose lives he or she touches."
You will learn a set of powerful positive postures - ways of carrying your body - that will immediately produce specific, helpful, changes in your attitude, outlook, and effectiveness.


Deep Mind Mastery
allows you to chart your own course,
as a happy, productive, fear-free, helpful person.
A wonderful gift for teens and adults alike!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

(Shortened and edited to fit this format.)

Jay H, 18 year old male -
"I had a terrible problem about being unable to trust girls my age (women of any age, really) so every relationship I tried backfired making both me and the other person unhappy and usually angry. Through Deep Mind Mastery I learned how to wipe away the things that had built up inside my mind that kept sabotaging my relationships. I've had several very pleasant associations with girls since my DMM training and have no doubt that I will be able to find somebody to love and keep to a wonderful, loving, life-long relationship. Thanks, Mom, for giving me this wonderful gift."

Carolyn E, 43 year old female -
"For most of my life I have been afraid - of people, places, new activities. Now I have shed those fears forever. When new ones try to take hold of me I know exactly how to banish them immediately. I am in a serious relationship with a wonderful guy for the first time in my life. Living has turned from something terrifying into something wonderful as a result of my DMM training."

Betty W, 35 year old female -
"Before DMM training I was so afraid of driving that I had stopped. I hadn't driven for seven years. After one private session of DMM my fear disappeared and I have been driving every day since. I recently purchased a new car. Deep Mind Mastery has given me a brand new life and I have learned techniques I can use the rest of my life when any similar problem comes up."

Damon J, 15 year old male -
"My problem was being afraid of taking tests and doing well in basketball games. My mind would go blank in the classroom and I stumbled around like a spa when in a game (in practice I did great). After DMM both problems vanished - well I learned how to make them vanish. I'm not the best student or Ball player in school but it's not my fears and anxieties that are to blame. I even learned to accept that it's ok not to be THE best if I can just be sure I'm doing MY best. My friend from the Big Brother program paid for the DDM program for me. I'll never be able to thank him enough."

Mary Lou P, 28 year old female -
"During the several years before DMM training, I developed anxiety attacks that had become very severe and very often. I had no idea what was causing them. I took the seminar and after just two of the eight sessions I found tremendous relief. Since completing the program I have never had a relapse but if I ever do, I now have the techniques I will need to send it packing again."

Janet D, 55 year old female -
"I've been an unhappy person all my life and have gone through periods of depression (situational depression a Dr. called it). It cost me a marriage and more than one job. With DMM training I now have all that under control. It is amazing how fast it worked and how I can now handle things whenever those old feelings come back."

  John G, MD, 46 year old male -
"I got to the place where I was letting the little things get to me - send me off into rages. I couldn't keep office help and the staff at the hospital clearly avoided me when they could. My wife finally decided to take our children and leave until I got myself back under control. I had six individual Deep Mind Mastery sessions and my nightmare is now over. I still have to count to ten sometimes, by now it works - EVERY SINGLE TIME. I have recommended DMM to dozens of patients since my positive experience."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
About The Author/Program Developer

Tom Gnagey maintained a private practice of clinical psychology for thirty years, helping people of all ages find satisfying and meaningful inner lives, and more successful, mutually helpful outer lives. His academic and professional background in education, philosophy, communications, and psychology, has allowed him to develop his unique and insightful approach to understanding what people need and how to convey that information to them in a simple, easy to understand and use format.
He founded the personal improvement strategy known as Deep Mind Mastery and the process of Positizing, which is used for turning unpleasant or otherwise negative events into personally useful, growth producing experiences. He calls his underlying social philosophy Reciprocal Esteem and the process which implements it, Mutually Responsible Facilitation. He now shares his insights and proven methods with you for about what it costs to take the family (or a date) out for pizza.
As a writer, he has produced hundreds of novels and stories for children, teens, and adults. That they tend to demonstrate how his positive social philosophy works to improve the lot of the human species and foster joy and goodwill among all men is no coincidence.  

The Training Manual
  Which includes eight sections directing eight weeks of study and practice and 
an easy to use Glossary of the thirty-five most basic terms used in the program.

It will teach you the dynamics at work in your mind and how, through learning to control it and enlist it as your best friend, you can change your life forever.

In the past the series of eight seminars that presented this same material
cost participants $400.00.

This Training manual changes your life for only $2.99
(and, a few weeks of dedication on your part!)

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